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Extent of Involvement of Parents in the Identification of Children with Special Needs in Kenya

Josphat Shaduma Bonjo, Kochung J. Edward, Nyangara Karen

The assessment of children with special needs is an important component of SNE. The process of educational assessment involves identification of children with special needs and disabilities, administration of tests and intervention. The Educational Assessment and Resource centers (EARCs) in Kenya are mandated to provide assessment services. The principles of assessment require the involvement of parents in the assessment process.  Preliminary survey on 120 parents from 10 counties whose children had special needs reveals that only 51(43%) parents were involved in the assessment process. The roles of parents include provision of background information; instruction of children during the administration of the tests and training children after assessment. What is unknown is the extent of parental involvement in the assessment process at the EARCs in Kenya. The purpose of this study was to establish the extent of parental involvement in the identification of children with special needs in Kenya. The objectives of the study were to; examine the involvement of parents in the identification of children with special needs. The study employed descriptive survey research design. The target population was 47 assessment teachers, 94 parents of children assessed and 47 parents of children to be assessed from 47 centers in 47 counties in Kenya. Saturated sampling technique was used to select assessment teachers. Purposive sampling was used to select parents of the already assessed children and 41 parents of those to be assessed. Questionnaires, interview guides, observation schedules and document analysis guides were used for data collection. Face and content validity of the instruments were ascertained by experts from the department of Special Needs Education Maseno University. Reliability of the instruments was determined through a pilot study on 10% of the population using test-retest. The acceptable reliability was set at r = 0.70.Quantitative data was analyzed using frequency counts, percentages and mean scores. Qualitative data was organized and reported in an on-going process as themes and sub-themes. The study found out that there was a minimal involvement of parents in the assessment process at the centers in Kenya (M=2.18). The study concluded that assessors with training specifically in assessment were positive in involving parents in the assessment process at the EARCs compared to those who had qualifications in SNE without a specific training in assessment. The study recommends that a certificate or diploma course tailored to train assessors in assessment procedures, assessment techniques, guidance and counseling, referral and placement procedures be introduced at a relevant institution to train only assessors. It is also recommended that a policy on assessment procedures to harmonize assessment services in Kenya be enacted by the government. The research findings may help to improve parental involvement in the assessment process at the EARCs in Kenya.

identification, assessment, parental involvement Background to the Study
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