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The Value of Family Education for Rural Left-Behind Children under the Perspective of Moral Education

Yang Chi
Rationalizing the value orientation of rural left-behind family education is an important prerequisite for promoting children's formation of good moral character and overall healthy development. Establishing moral education and cultivating socialist builders and successors who develop morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically is the core of the value orientation of rural left-behind family education with Chinese characteristics. At present, the value orientation of family education for rural left-behind families in China is still relatively small, but it is of great importance to pay attention to the value orientation of family education for rural left-behind families under the perspective of moral education, and the value orientation of family education for left-behind children determines the final direction of family education for left-behind children, the content and way of education. The value orientation of family education for left-behind children in the countryside is mainly manifested in three aspects in contemporary times, such as the emphasis on intellectual education and the neglect of moral education, the insufficient educational quality of parents of left-behind children, the lack of management methods and the failure of some schools to recognize the importance and necessity of family education. In this regard, we can improve it by establishing the value orientation of family education with equal emphasis on moral and intellectual education and improving the educational literacy of parents of left-behind children.
moral education, rural families left behind, value orientation
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