Focus and Scope
IRA-International Journal of Technology & Engineering is a scholarly publication for assimilating, reviewing and publishing of thought-provoking ideas and conclusions which have an attributable impact on the disciplines of Technology and Engineering.
The journal is a quarterly peer-reviewed and open access online publication. The journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
The journal is a double-blind peer reviewed publication. Every possible step is taken to ensure anonymity of the authors and reviewers to each other in order to establish transparency and quality review in respect of the submitted articles and papers.
Every submitted article is reviewed by at least two reviewers having the subject expertise on the domain subject of the submitted article. The reviewers do ensure at all times that only original, evidence based scholarly works get published in the journal. Unoriginal and poor-quality articles are not accepted for publication in the journal.
Generally, it takes us to complete reviewing manuscripts 3-5 weeks.
All submissions are reviewed following IRA Academico Research's Peer Review Program.
Review and publication ethics:
The journal voluntarily recommends and complies with the reviewing, editing and publishing guidelines and best practices as promulgated by the Committee on Publication Ethics.
The reviewers and editors of the journal are highly expected to adhere the code of conduct for Journal Editors and Guidelines for Peer Reviewers as prescribed by Committee on Publication Ethics.
Note: The journal isn't a member of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The journal voluntarily adopts and follows the best ethical practices recommended by COPE.
Publication Frequency
The journal issue is published "in-press" and completes on 10th of the month following the completion of the quarter for the articles accepted in and throughout the completed quarter.
The journal is published online. However, the published authors may request print copy/ies on paying additional costs of printing, handling and shipping.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...
The journal's content is also being archived in the Internet Archive for persistent archival & retrieval purposes.
Journal Indexing
The journal's content is available & searchable worldwide via OAI-PMH Protocol, Crossref Metadata Search, ROAD, EZB, German Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB), Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, J-Gate, OCLC connected libraries, WorldCat, Airiti, BASE and other academic databases.
Publication Ethics
The journal adheres to the ethics policies and guidelines of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for publishers, editors and reviewers.
The editors and the reviewers of the journal at all times are subject to the COPE policies & guideline while undertaking editing and review in respect of submitted manuscripts to the journal.
The publishers of the journal adhere to and follow the Code of Conduct as enlisted and proposed by COPE.
The journal requires its editors and authors to adhere to the international standards for editors and authors as far as a submission to the journal is concerned.
Note: The journal isn't a member of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The journal voluntarily adopts and follows the best ethical practices recommended by COPE.
Misconduct Policy
As an institutional reviewer and publisher of scholarly works, the journal at all times, maintains high degree of discipline amongst its editors, reviewers, authors and staff.
If any misconduct by way of non-adherence to the publishing policies or guidelines or any conflict of interest is suspected, punitive action will be warranted against the defaulting editor, reviewer, author or the staff as per COPE policies.
Based on the gravity of the misconduct, an investigation may be undertaken by the journal against the misconducting party which may include approaching and complaining to the affiliating institutions of the editors, reviewers and authors.
Plagiarism Policy
For establishing the originality of the submitted manuscripts, the plagiarism software is used to know the originality of the manuscript.
In case of plagiarism or un-originality is detected or suspected, an action on account of misconduct will be taken by the journal against the plagiarizing authors. This may include approaching the third parties including their affiliating institutions and other other research organizations.
The submitted plagiarized manuscript may also be shared with the original authors or third parties for high-lighting the misconduct by the plagiarizing authors.