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Experimentation of the Incineration of Paper Waste at the University Press of Ouagadougou (PUO)

Boureima KABORE, Germain W. P. OUEDRAOGO, Boureima YARBANGA, Sié KAM, Dieudonné Joseph BATHIEBO
Waste management and recycling is major problem in our developing countries for several reasons, including population growth. In Burkina Faso, various techniques for treating this garbage exist and among them, we can cite incineration. Incineration is a heat treatment of garbage that reduces the volume of the latter. This work relates to the experimental study of the incineration of paper waste from the incinerator of the University Press of Ouagadougou. The results of this study show that this device is very useful in that it allows the incineration of paper garbage produced by the printing press. It, therefore, has an environmental advantage because its use promotes better management of paper waste.
Experimental study, Paper waste, Incineration, Incinerator
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