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The Impact of Education and Training on the Creative Performance of Public Servants in Indonesia: An Analysis of the Mediating Role of Work Commitment

Hendra Gunawan, Rahmawaty Djaffar, M. Fahrul Husni, Muhammad Rustam, Ramli Hatma, Muhammad Ashary Anshar
This study investigates the relationship between education and training and the creative performance of civil servants in Indonesia, with a particular focus on the mediating role of work commitment. Using a sample of 115 civil servants covering various ages, genders, education levels, and working periods, this study revealed that education and training significantly increase work commitment and creative performance. The novelty of this study lies in its analysis of work commitment mediation, which has not been widely explored in the context of civil servants in Indonesia.  The findings suggest that work commitment significantly mediates education and training with creative performance, indicating that effective education and training programs must embrace aspects that support work commitment development. In terms of uniqueness, this study highlights the importance of education and training in facilitating work commitment as a catalyst for creative performance. This approach is rarely integrated with public sector human resource development models. This research benefits practitioners and policymakers in improving the effectiveness of education and training programs. Public sector organizations can develop a more holistic strategy focusing on skill development and strengthening employees' emotional bond with their organization by understanding the importance of work commitment in supporting creative performance. This research contributes to the human resource management literature by offering a new framework to optimize the creative potential of civil servants, thereby providing insights for improving public services in Indonesia.
Impact of Education; Training; Creative Performance; Public Servants
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