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Land Suitability Evaluation for Rainfed Agriculture in Abu Hamra Area, South Darfur State, Sudan

Ibrahim, I. A. A., Ibrahim, M.M.M., Sulieman, H. A., Elsheikh M.A., Dafalla M S, Ibrahim I. S.
This study was carried out in Abu Hamra Area, south Darfur State (Latitude 12˚26ʹ to 13˚10ʹ E and longitude 24˚24ʹ to 25˚56ʹ N and), Sudan where the area falls in semi-arid climate. The study aimed to evaluate the land suitability for rainfed agriculture and to scan crop suitability. Through the analysis of satellite image and direct field observations, the study area was divided into non-cracking clay soil (unit A) classified as Sodic Haplocambid, alluvial soil (unit B) classified as Ustic Torrifluvent and loamy sand soil (unit C) classified as Typic Torripsamments. 46 soil samples were collected from 12 auger holes and 3 representative profiles, then analyzed for some physical and chemical properties which were matched with climatic factors and topographic features to define the requirements of rainfed crops, particularly Sorghum, Millet, Maize, Sesame, Groundnuts, Watermelon and Tomato. Duncan Multiple Range Test was used to determine significance of differences in soil properties within and among the three units. Results showed that the soils were non-saline, non-sodic (except unit A), calcareous to slightly calcareous and low in fertility. Results also indicated no significant differences among soil properties except for texture, salinity and sodicity. The soils were found to be marginally suitable (S3) for rainfed agriculture because of presence of fertility, drainage, organic matter, texture and sodicity limitations and unit B proved to be the best soils of the three units. For crop suitability, the soils of the three units had same suitability for some crops and differ for others.
Abu Hamra; semi-arid climate; land suitability; crop suitability; rainfed agriculture
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